Property type: string
This property provides a "shortest possible" type of description, typically less than a short sentence, used for example to describe a piece of software, or a resource, or a method or anything else really.
It should be used as such:
<page name> is (a/an/the/...) [[description::as little text as possible]]. e.g: HMMER is a [[description::software package for working with profile hidden Markov models (HMM)]].
Note that neither "page title", nor "is a", nor the full stop character are part of the description, much like Debian package descriptions.
The intended benefit for using this property would be within dynamically generated tables, where it will typically appear as short "description" column.
ANSYS workshop: Using HPC and Reduced Order Models for ANSYS simulations +
Introduction to PDC +
Advanced Programming techniques for scientific computing using GPU +
Learn to use Allinea’s highly scalable and easy-to-use HPC development tools +
Learn to use Allinea’s highly scalable and easy-to-use HPC development tools +
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop +
Alya performance benchmark +
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX +
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX +
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX +
An introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line +
An introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line +
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX +
An introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line +
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX +
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX +
An introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line +
An introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line +
An introduction to solving partial differential equations in Python with FEniCS (Lunarc June 2015) +
Solving partial differential equations in Python with FEniCS +
Analyzing data in an HPC environment using R +
Introduction to using SNIC Cloud resources +
Introduction to using SNIC Cloud resources +
Artificial Intelligence Workshop with IBM +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Awk Workshop +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Introduction to awk and sed +
Awk workshop training material - online +
BEDTools is a software suite for the comparison, manipulation and annotation of genomic features in Browser Extensible Data (BED) and General Feature Format (GFF) format +
BILS Web Search +
A fast light-weighted tool that aligns relatively short sequences (queries) to a sequence database (target). +
Basic Singularity workshop +
Basic Singularity workshop material - online +
Converts bcl files to Qseq files. +
A set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. +
information handling in biology +
Set up and evaluate a local module system on Triolith for Bolin Centre software installations. +
Seminar for all users at C3SE, covering software debugging on C3SE systems. +
Seminar for all users at C3SE, describing the C3SE hardware and software environment. +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems +
Seminar for all users at C3SE, covering fundamental Linux skills +
Seminar for all users at C3SE, covering the queuing system used at our systems. +
Seminar for all users at C3SE, covering software debugging on C3SE systems. +
C3SE Swestore storage node of 400Tb +
de novo protein structure generation +
application of computer science methods to study the Earth's climate +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Advanced Programming techniques for performance improvement of numerical simulation codes +
Advanced Programming techniques for performance improvement of numerical simulation codes +
Building a Nordic community of research software developers +
CodeRefinery Workshop +
Teaching researchers in sustainable software development +
Teaching researchers in sustainable software development +
Using commercial engineering software in an HPC environment +
Comparing major ab initio software for materials science +
Computational Chemistry - Enhanced Sampling MD Course at HPC2N in Umeå +
Course: Computational Chemistry - MD Simulations (NAMD) +
application of computer science methods to solve chemical problems +
application of computer science methods to solve and model electromagnetic fields +
using numerical methods to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows +
applying the properties of matter to various areas of science and engineering +
using computers to analyze and solve scientific problems +
Ab-initio Electronic Structure Computation through LSDALTON Code +
A hierarchical likelihood ratio test for phylogenetic congruence. +
Assist researchers from Stockholm in configuring and launching the CAM5.3 global atmospheric model in a nudged configuration. Assist in installing post-processing software for converting CAM5.3 output to arl format suitable for imput into the HYSPLIT Lagrangian transport model. +
software for macromolecular model building, model completion and validation, particularly suitable for protein modelling using X-ray data +
Efficient MD simulations at HPC2N +
Efficient MD simulations at HPC2N +
Python for Scientific Computing +
Debugging applications using DDT +
Parallelization of the coupled cluster complex polarization propagator module in the Dalton program +
Data management seminar recording +
Data management +
Introduction to data handling using R tidyverse in a modern software environment +
Debugging of HPC applications +
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop +
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop +
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop +
Feature request to support multi-category sea-ice in the IFS component of EC-Earth 3. +
Port EC-Earth to Beskow and complete performance/scaling tests. +
Complete performance profiling of the EC-Earth model including the COSP satellite simulator. +
A statistical test for large scale human or model organism association mapping accounting for the sample structure. +
Exact Muffin-Tin Orbitals method, an electronic structure code based on the Green's function technique +
Exact Muffin-Tin Orbitals method (x), an electronic structure code based on the Green's function technique +
ENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry Towards Pre-exascale and Beyond +
ENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry from Laptop to HPC +
Cluster architecture and job submission +
Electronic Structure / Seminars and discussion sessions +
all-electron full-potential linearised augmented-plane wave (FP-LAPW) code with many advanced features +
Parallel I/O Implementation and Communication Optimization on Xnavis Wind Farm Simulation Code +
package to manage the systems and application software +
Essense Code Analysis and Optimisation +
full-potential all-electron density-functional-theory (DFT) package based on the linearized augmented plane-wave (LAPW) method +
Aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. +
compiler collection for a number of languages including C, C++ and Fortran +
use of graphics processing units (GPU or simply "graphics cards") in scientific computation +
Gaussian Workshop at HPC2N in Umeå +
combines computers from multiple administrative domains +
HPC Tools for the Modern Era +
offering training and education to the SNIC communities in HPC related matters. +
HPC2N Swestore storage node of 400Tb +
Performance Analysis and Parallelisation of SMHI's HYPE Code +
Handling large data within SNIC, using Swestore +
Heterogeneous computing with performance modelling +
Hierarchical modules and software selection +
Hierarchical modules and software selection +
Hierarchical modules and software selection +
How to work effectively on Tetralith +
How to work effectively on Tetralith +
Assist researchers from Göteborg in including parallel NetCDF IO support and the COSP module in the OpenIFS model +
Enabling support as part of the Prace DECI 8 program +
Improving the MPI collective performance by network aware communication +
European network of distributed e-infrastructure to support Earth system modelling. +
Replace the atmospheric component of EC-Earth (IFS) with the OpenIFS model (c38r1). +
Intel Cluster Studio/HPC Training at HPC2N +
Using the Intel® compiler and performance tools +
compilers for C, C++ and Fortran +
Intel development / HPC tools +
Intel oneAPI Overview Webinar +
Intermediate Topics in MPI +
Introduction to Deep Learning +
Introduction to Distributed Memory Programming and MPI +
Introduction to GPU programming with CUDA +
Introduction to GPU programming: When and how to use GPU-acceleration? +
Introduction to Git +
Introduction to Git +
Introduction to Git +
Introduction to HPC at HPC2N +
Introduction course for new users of high performance computing +
Introduction course for new users of high performance computing +
Introduction course for new users of high performance computing +
Introduction course for new users of high performance computing +
Introduction to HPC and Kebnekaise +
Introduction to HPC2N +
Introduction to HPC2N +
Introduction to HPC2N +
Introduction course for (new) users of HPC2N's systems +
Introduction to HPC2N +
Introduction to HPC2N +
Introduction to HPC2N +
Introduction to HPC2N and Kebnekaise +
Introduction to HPC2N and Kebnekaise +
Introduction to Kebnekaise +
Introduction to Kebnekaise +
Introduction to Kebnekaise +
Introduction to Linux and Abisko +
Introduction to Linux and Abisko +
Introduction to NSC +
Introduction to NSC +
Introduction to OpenMP and MPI +
Introduction to the new Dardel system at PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC Systems +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC Systems +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to PDC +
Introduction to Intel's Xeon Phi processor for scientific computing +
Introduction to Shared Memory Programming and OpenMP +
Introduction to WIEN2k +
Course: Introduction to OpenMP and MPI at HPC2N in Umeå +
Parallelization of a Large Eddy Simulation Code +
An introduction to the LUNARC HPC Desktop +
An introduction to the LUNARC HPC Desktop +
LUNARC Swestore storage node of 400Tb +
SNIC Science Cloud Workshop +
Speeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters +
Speeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters +
Speeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters +
Speeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters +
Computational Chemistry - MD Simulations in Umeå +
MD simulations with a focus on NAMD +
Computational Chemistry - MD/CHARMM course in Umeå +
Updating the automated classification system for MDR proteins based on new data. +
Complete performance profiling of the MISU MIT Cloud and Aerosol (MIMICA) LES model. +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using Message Passing with MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using Message Passing with MPI +
An introduction to parallel programming using MPI +
Writing parallel applications using MPI +
Writing parallel applications using MPI +
Writing parallel applications using MPI +
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solver +
Machine Learning with R +
computational software for technical computing +
Parallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters +
Parallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters +
MATLAB Programming Techniques +
Parallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters +
Parallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters +
Parallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters +
Matlab HPC training +
Efficient use of Matlab in an HPC environment +
Newtonian motion simulation in systems with hundreds to millions of particles +
climate model diagnostics +
NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA Webinar +
GPU/Accelerator Pilot Project at NSC +
Introduction to using NSC resources +
NSC introduction to Tetralith/Sigma +
NSC introduction to Tetralith/Sigma +
NSC Swestore storage node of 200Tb +
NVIDIA GPU Boot Camp and Deep Learning workshop +
Boundary conditions for Nek5000 +
Nek5000 with OpenACC +
organization of neuroscience data +
Complete performance profiling of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) on Triolith. +
NeIC climate and environment collaborative project. +
Overview page on online training materials freely available +
OpenFOAM Training Workshop offered by ENCCS and PDC +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
Optimization of a lagrangian cloud parcel model for use in the global climate model ECHAM6.1-HAM2.2 +
Serial optimization of a cloud parcel model for embedding in a the ECHAM-HAM global climate model. +
PDC Swestore storage node of 200Tb +
Introduction to GROMACS Workshop +
PDC/PRACE Online Course: Writing Parallel Applications Using MPI +
Network topology analysis and efficient collective design and +
PRACE/BioExcel Seasonal School: HPC for Life Sciences +
Performance improvement of the SPME in Molsim +
Parallel I/O Implementation on the Multiple Sequence Alignment Software ClustalW-MPI +
Training in parallel programming +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
Parallel Programming seminar provided by PDC, PGI and NVIDIA +
programming with multiple threads or processes +
Parallelization request for a materials science code +
Web hosting for PconsC +
The Pencil Code is a high-order finite-difference code for compressible hydrodynamic flows with magnetic fields +
Performance Analysis of ad_OSS Program for Modeling Water Molecules +
Application Benchmark of NEMO Oceanography Code on CURIE Tier-0 System +
Performance Tools (Paraver, Extrae, Scalasca) Course +
improving the computational efficiency of an application +
optimisation of simulation applications with respect to an optimal use of hardware features. +
Petascaling of high resolution EC-EARTH on PRACE Tier-0 Curie System +
is a software suite for the automated determination of macromolecular structures using X-ray crystallography and other methods +
Porting and performance analysis of earth system models (ESM) on different architectures +
Port three commonly used Earth system models to triolith. +
QM/MM best practices +
DFT based electronic structure modeling codes +
R in an HPC environment +
all-electron full-potential linearised muffin-tin orbital (FP-LMTO) code with many features. Dynamic mean field capabilities is included in the code. +
Advanced Topics in R: Reproducible Research +
Making your research data fit for a future of open science and open data +
Making your research data fit for a future of open science and open data +
Running MD applications efficiently in HPC +
Solving large problems efficiently through parallel computing in Matlab +
Coordinating new and emerging technologies within SNIC. +
SNIC Science Cloud is a cloud computing infrastructure run by SNIC. +
Introduction seminar and workshop to SNIC Cloud resources +
SNIC Science Cloud Workshop +
Material for technical training and workshops hosted by SNIC Science Cloud. +
SNIC Science Cloud Workshop +
SNIC coordinated training +
SNIC Cloud Computing Workshop +
Schrödinger Molecular Modelling / Drug Discovery Workshop +
Workshop on using the Schrödinger materials science suite with Quantum Espresso +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop 2014 +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop 2014 +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop Autumn 2016 +
is a computer program based on Shake-and-Bake, a dual-space direct-methods procedure for determining crystal structures from X-ray diffraction data. +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
Shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
is a set of programs for the determination of small (SM) and macromolecular (MM) crystal structures by single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction. +
package for solving the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible channel and boundary layer flows +
A knowledgebase of user oriented information in Swedish academic high performance computing. +
Software Carpentry workshop +
Software Carpentry workshop +
Software Carpentry Workshop +
Software Carpentry Workshop in R +
application of computer science methods to solve continuum solid mechanics problems +
structural and functional analysis of proteins and their biomolecular complexes +
Synthetic Benchmark for PRACE Tier-0 Curie System +
Task-based parallelism in scientific computing +
Task-based parallelism in scientific computing +
Configure a coupled, single column model version of EC-Earth3 (OpenIFS, oasis3-mct, nemo3.6) +
Tensorflow and Deep Learning +
Test suite for VASP +
parallel performance optimization tools +
parallel performance optimization tools +
The Effective Use of the Kebnekaise Accelerators +
The future of HPC programming - a Modern Fortran workshop +
Introduction to awk and sed +
MPI job analyser tool +
Transfering data to and from an HPC system +
Transfering data to and from an HPC system +
Transfering data to and from an HPC system +
UPPMAX Introductory Course +
UPPMAX Swestore storage node of 200Tb +
Introduction to Unix for new users of HPC +
UppASD Autumn School +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Introduction course for new users of Uppmax systems +
Using Matlab in an HPC environment +
Using Matlab in an HPC environment +
Using Matlab in an HPC environment +
Using Matlab in an HPC environment +
Using Python in an HPC environment +
Using Python in an HPC environment +
Using R in an HPC environment +
Speeding up code modernisation and bug resolution with Allinea DDT +
Utilising a modern HPC environment +
Seminar on running VASP efficiently at Triolith and Beskow (the new Cray XC-40 at PDC) +
Seminar on running VASP efficiently at Triolith and Beskow (the new Cray XC-40 at PDC) +
VASP best practices workshop +
VASP best practices workshop +
threading and performance optimization tool +
Vasp - Basic Theory and Best Practices +
VASP best practices +
VASP best practices +
VASP best practices +
Version Control Workshop +
software for graphical representation of data +