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(update for 2021 year end)
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This page provides an overview on high performance computed related training offered to users and personnel of the [[SNIC]] in the past.
This page provides an overview on high performance computed related training offered to users and personnel of the [[SNIC]] in the past.
== Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2022 ==
{{#ask: [[Category:Training event]] [[end date::>2021-12-31]] [[end date::<{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}]]
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== Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2021 ==
{{#ask: [[Category:Training event]] [[end date::<2022-01-01]] [[end date::>2020-12-31]]
|?start date
|?end date
|?event type
|sort=start date
== Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2020 ==
{{#ask: [[Category:Training event]] [[end date::<2021-01-01]] [[end date::>2019-12-31]]
|?start date
|?end date
|?event type
|sort=start date
== Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2019 ==
== Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2019 ==
{{#ask: [[Category:Training event]] [[end date::>2018-12-31]] [[end date::<{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Training event]] [[end date::<2020-01-01]] [[end date::>2018-12-31]]
|?start date
|?start date
|?end date
|?end date

Latest revision as of 09:22, 19 January 2022

This page provides an overview on high performance computed related training offered to users and personnel of the SNIC in the past.

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2022

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Introduction to Kebnekaise (HPC2N), 2022-01-1919 January 202219 January 2022CourseUmeåIntroduction to Kebnekaise
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, February 20229 February 20229 February 2022SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCAn introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line
Editing Cluster architecture and job submission, February 202216 February 202216 February 2022SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCCluster architecture and job submission
VASP best practices workshop (NSC, Feb 2022)22 February 202223 February 2022WorkshopLinköpingVASP best practices workshop
Shared memory programming with OpenMP (LUNARC/HPC2N, Spring 2022)28 February 20223 March 2022CourseOnline, organised by HPC2N and LUNARCAn introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP
ENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry Towards Pre-exascale and Beyond (March 2022)3 March 20224 March 2022WorkshopOnline, organised by ENCCS and PDCENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry Towards Pre-exascale and Beyond
Handling large data within SNIC, using Swestore - 15 March 202215 March 202215 March 2022SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARC and NSCHandling large data within SNIC, using Swestore
Introduction to PDC (March 2022)23 March 202224 March 2022CourseOnline, organised by PDCIntroduction to PDC Systems
MD simulations with a focus on NAMD (HPC2N, UmU), 2022-04-(07-08)7 April 20228 April 2022CourseUmeåMD simulations with a focus on NAMD
NSC introduction to Tetralith/Sigma (Apr 2022)26 April 202226 April 2022SeminarOnline, LinköpingNSC introduction to Tetralith/Sigma
Intermediate Topics in MPI (June 2022)14 June 202217 June 2022WorkshopOnline, organised by ENCCS, PDC and HPC2NIntermediate Topics in MPI
UPPMAX Introductory Course, August 16-19, 202216 August 202219 August 2022CourseUppsala (HYBRID)UPPMAX Introductory Course
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, August 2022)29 August 202230 August 2022WorkshopUppsala (hybrid)Awk Workshop
Using Python in an HPC environment, September 2022, UPPMAX/HPC2N9 September 20229 September 2022WorkshopUmeå, Uppsala (ONLINE)Using Python in an HPC environment
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, September 202214 September 202214 September 2022SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCAn introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line
Introduction to Kebnekaise, 2022-09-15, HPC2N/UmU15 September 202215 September 2022CourseUmeåIntroduction to Kebnekaise
Basic Singularity workshop (UPPMAX/HPC2N, September 28)28 September 202228 September 2022WorkshopUmeå, Uppsala (hybrid)Basic Singularity workshop
Cluster architecture and job submission, September 20225 October 20225 October 2022SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCCluster architecture and job submission
UppASD Autumn School (October 2022)11 October 202213 October 2022WorkshopStockholmUppASD Autumn School
MPI (Oct 2022)17 October 202220 October 2022CourseOnlineAn introduction to parallel programming using Message Passing with MPI
Introduction to PDC (October 2022)27 October 202228 October 2022CourseOnline, organised by PDCIntroduction to PDC Systems
Introduction to Git, Umeå, 2022-11-(14-18)14 November 202218 November 2022CourseOnlineIntroduction to Git
NSC introduction to Tetralith/Sigma (Nov 2022)16 November 202216 November 2022SeminarOnline, LinköpingNSC introduction to Tetralith/Sigma
The future of HPC programming - a Modern Fortran workshop, Umeå, 2022-11-(24-25)24 November 202225 November 2022WorkshopUmeå University, OnlineThe future of HPC programming - a Modern Fortran workshop
R in an HPC environment, Umeå, 2022-12-(14-15)14 December 202215 December 2022CourseOnlineR in an HPC environment
Using Python in an HPC environment, May 2023, UPPMAX/HPC2N23 May 202323 May 2023WorkshopUmeå, Uppsala (ONLINE)Using Python in an HPC environment

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2021

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Introduction to HPC and Kebnekaise, HPC2N, 2021-01-2121 January 202121 January 2021CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC and Kebnekaise
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, February 202110 February 202110 February 2021SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCAn introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line
Cluster architecture and job submission, February 202117 February 202117 February 2021SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCCluster architecture and job submission
Using R in an HPC environment, HPC2N, 2021-02-(25-26)25 February 202126 February 2021CourseUmeåUsing R in an HPC environment
Shared memory programming with OpenMP (LUNARC/HPC2N, March 2021)9 March 202112 March 2021CourseOnline, organised by HPC2N and LUNARCAn introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP
Introduction to NSC (March 2021)31 March 202131 March 2021SeminarLinköpingIntroduction to NSC
Working effectively with HPC systems (NSC, April 2021)20 April 202120 April 2021WebinarLinköping (NSC)Working effectively with HPC systems
Analyzing data in an HPC environment using R (April 2021)22 April 202122 April 2021CourseOnline, organised by PDCAnalyzing data in an HPC environment using R
Running MD applications efficiently in HPC, HPC2N, 26-27 April 202126 April 202127 April 2021CourseUmeåRunning MD applications efficiently in HPC
ENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry from Laptop to HPC (May 2021)6 May 20217 May 2021WorkshopOnline, organised by ENCCS and PDCENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry from Laptop to HPC
Task-based parallelism in scientific computing (HPC2N/PRACE, May 2021)10 May 202112 May 2021CourseOnline, organized from UmeåTask-based parallelism in scientific computing
Introduction to Kebnekaise (HPC2N), 2021-09-088 September 20218 September 2021CourseUmeåIntroduction to Kebnekaise
MPI (Oct 2021)25 October 202128 October 2021CourseOnlineAn introduction to parallel programming using Message Passing with MPI
Introduction to Git, HPC2N, 2021-11-(9-12)9 November 202112 November 2021CourseUmeåIntroduction to Git
Introduction to NSC (Nov 2021)17 November 202117 November 2021SeminarLinköpingIntroduction to NSC
Introduction to WIEN2k (Nov 2021)18 November 202118 November 2021WorkshopLinköpingIntroduction to WIEN2k
Introduction to PDC (Dec 2021)6 December 20216 December 2021CourseOnline, organised by PDCIntroduction to the new Dardel system at PDC
OpenFOAM Training Workshop (Dec 2021)7 December 20218 December 2021CourseOnline, organised by ENCCS and PDCOpenFOAM Training Workshop offered by ENCCS and PDC
QM/MM best practices, HPC2N, 2021-12-99 December 20219 December 2021CourseUmeåQM/MM best practices

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2020

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Introduction to HPC2N (January 2020)22 January 202022 January 2020CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC2N
Awk workshop (Karolinska, January 2020)31 January 202031 January 2020CourseKarolinska InstituteIntroduction to awk and sed
Introduction to PDC (Feb 2020)5 February 20205 February 2020CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA Webinar (Feb 2020)14 February 202014 February 2020CourseStockholmNEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA Webinar
ARM HPC hands on workshop (Feb 2020)18 February 202018 February 2020CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, February 202026 February 202026 February 2020SeminarLund (LUNARC)An introduction to UNIX/LINUX
Course: Efficient MD simulations at HPC2N (February 2020)28 February 202028 February 2020CourseUmeåEfficient MD simulations at HPC2N
Intel oneAPI webinar (Mar 2020)24 March 202024 March 2020CourseStockholmIntel oneAPI Overview Webinar
Task-based parallelism in scientific computing (March 2020)30 March 202030 March 2020CourseUmeåTask-based parallelism in scientific computing
ANSYS workshop: Using HPC and Reduced Order Models for ANSYS simulations (April 2020)17 April 202017 April 2020CourseStockholmANSYS workshop: Using HPC and Reduced Order Models for ANSYS simulations
PDC/PRACE Online Course: Writing Parallel Applications Using MPI (May 2020)27 May 202027 May 2020CourseStockholmPDC/PRACE Online Course: Writing Parallel Applications Using MPI
PDC/Introduction to GROMACS Workshop (Sept 2020)3 September 20204 September 2020CourseStockholmIntroduction to GROMACS Workshop
Introduction to HPC2N (September 2020)9 September 20209 September 2020CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC2N
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, September 202024 September 202024 September 2020SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCAn introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line
Introduction to Git, Umeå (2020-09-30)30 September 202030 September 2020CourseUmeåIntroduction to Git
VASP best practices workshop (NSC, Oct 2020)19 October 202020 October 2020WorkshopLinköpingVASP best practices workshop
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, October 202027 October 202027 October 2020SeminarOnline, organised by LUNARCAn introduction to the UNIX/LINUX command line
Heterogeneous computing with performance modelling, Umeå, 2020-11-(4-5)4 November 20205 November 2020CourseUmeåHeterogeneous computing with performance modelling
Introduction to PDC (Nov 2020)18 November 202018 November 2020CourseOnline, organised by PDCIntroduction to PDC
MPI (Online December 2020)1 December 20204 December 2020CourseOnlineAn introduction to parallel programming using MPI

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2019

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Uppmax Intro Course (January 2019)21 January 201924 January 2019CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Introduction to HPC2N (January 2019)23 January 201923 January 2019CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC2N
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, January 2019)25 January 201925 January 2019CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
C3SE Introductory Seminar January 30 201930 January 201930 January 2019SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, February 20197 February 20197 February 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)An introduction to UNIX/LINUX
Introduction to PDC (Feb 2019)13 February 201913 February 2019CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
Cluster architecture and job submission (Lunarc, February 2019)14 February 201914 February 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)Cluster architecture and job submission
Course: Efficient MD simulations at HPC2N (February 2019)21 February 201921 February 2019CourseUmeåEfficient MD simulations at HPC2N
Transfering data (Lund, February 2019)21 February 201921 February 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)Transfering data to and from an HPC system
Visualisation and interactivity in HPC (LUNARC, March 2019)7 March 20197 March 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)Visualisation and interactivity in HPC - The LUNARC HPC Desktop
Artificial Intelligence Workshop with IBM (Lund, March 2019)21 March 201921 March 2019WorkshopLund (LUNARC)Artificial Intelligence Workshop with IBM
MPI (Göteborg March 2019)21 March 201922 March 2019CourseGöteborg (C3SE)An introduction to parallel programming using MPI
C3SE Introductory Seminar March 26 201926 March 201926 March 2019SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Course: Python for Scientific Computing8 April 20198 April 2019CourseUmeåPython for Scientific Computing
Research data for open science (Lund, April 2019)25 April 201925 April 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)Making your research data fit for a future of open science and open data
C3SE Introductory Seminar May 8 20198 May 20198 May 2019SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Tensorflow and Deep Learning, HPC2N, 8-9 May 20198 May 20199 May 2019CourseUmeåTensorflow and Deep Learning
Vasp best practices (Stockholm, May 2019)29 May 201929 May 2019SeminarStockholm (PDC)VASP best practices
PRACE/BioExcel Seasonal School HPC for Life Sciences (June 2019)10 June 201913 June 2019WorkshopStockholmPRACE/BioExcel Seasonal School: HPC for Life Sciences
Vasp best practices (Uppsala, June 2019)11 June 201911 June 2019SeminarUppsalaVASP best practices
Vasp best practices (Linköping, June 2019)14 June 201914 June 2019SeminarLinköpingVASP best practices
Software Carpentry Stockholm (June 2019)18 June 201919 June 2019CourseStockholmSoftware Carpentry workshop
Uppmax Intro Course (August 2019)26 August 201929 August 2019CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, August 2019)30 August 201930 August 2019CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
Introduction to HPC2N (September 2019)12 September 201912 September 2019CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC2N
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, September 201912 September 201912 September 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)An introduction to UNIX/LINUX
C3SE Introductory Seminar September 20 201920 September 201920 September 2019SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
NVIDIA GPU Boot Camp and DLI (Sept 2019)24 September 201925 September 2019WorkshopStockholmNVIDIA GPU Boot Camp and Deep Learning workshop
Debugging of HPC applications, September 201926 September 201926 September 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)Debugging of HPC applications
Introduction to PDC (Oct 2019)8 October 20198 October 2019CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
Working with Python on Tetralith (Stockholm, October 2019)16 October 201916 October 2019SeminarStockholmIntroduction to working with Python at NSC
Cluster architecture and job submission (Lunarc, October 2019)17 October 201917 October 2019SeminarLund (LUNARC)Cluster architecture and job submission
C3SE Introductory Seminar October 23 201923 October 201923 October 2019SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Vasp - Basic Theory and Best Practices, HPC2N, October 201929 October 201929 October 2019CourseUmeåVasp - Basic Theory and Best Practices
Introduction to GPU programming: When and how to use GPU-acceleration?, HPC2N, 5 November 20195 November 20195 November 2019CourseUmeåIntroduction to GPU programming: When and how to use GPU-acceleration?
Datahandling using R tidyverse (Lund, November 2019)13 November 201914 November 2019WorkshopLundIntroduction to data handling using R tidyverse in a modern software environment
C3SE Introductory Seminar November 25 201925 November 201925 November 2019SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Parallel Programming using OpenMP (Göteborg, November 2019)27 November 201928 November 2019CourseGöteborgAn introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP
Machine Learning with R, HPC2N, 3 December 20193 December 20193 December 2019CourseUmeåMachine Learning with R
Writing Parallel Applications Using MPI (Stockholm, December 2019)3 December 20193 December 2019WorkshopStockholmWriting Parallel Applications Using MPI

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2018

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Uppmax Intro Course (January 2018)15 January 201818 January 2018CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, January 2018)19 January 201819 January 2018CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
Introduction to HPC2N (Umeå, January 2018)22 January 201822 January 2018CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC2N
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, February 20186 February 20186 February 2018SeminarLund (Lunarc)An introduction to UNIX/LINUX
Cluster architecture and job submission (Lunarc, February 2018)13 February 201813 February 2018SeminarLund (Lunarc)Cluster architecture and job submission
Introduction to PDC (Feb 2018)14 February 201814 February 2018CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
C3SE Introductory Seminar February 20 201820 February 201820 February 2018SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Computational Chemistry - Enhanced Sampling MD Course at HPC2N (Ume, February 2018)26 February 201826 February 2018CourseUmeåComputational Chemistry - Enhanced Sampling MD Course at HPC2N in Umeå
LUNARC HPC Desktop (Lund, February 2018)27 February 201827 February 2018SeminarLund (Lunarc)An introduction to the LUNARC HPC Desktop
Hierarchical modules and software selection (Lund, March 2018)6 March 20186 March 2018SeminarLund (Lunarc)Hierarchical modules and software selection
Software Carpentry Stockholm (March 2018)12 March 201813 March 2018CourseStockholmSoftware Carpentry workshop
Software Carpentry Workshop Lund (March 2018)15 March 201816 March 2018CourseLund (Lunarc)Software Carpentry Workshop
C3SE Introductory Seminar March 21 201821 March 201821 March 2018SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Introducton to OpenMP/MPI, HPC2N, 26 March 201826 March 201826 March 2018CourseUmeåCourse: Introduction to OpenMP and MPI at HPC2N in Umeå
Using Matlab in an HPC environment (Lunarc, April 2018)10 April 201810 April 2018SeminarLund (Lunarc)Using Matlab in an HPC environment
Gaussian Workshop, HPC2N, 14-15 May 201814 May 201815 May 2018WorkshopUmeåGaussian Workshop at HPC2N in Umeå
CodeRefinery Workshop (Lund, May 2018)15 May 201817 May 2018WorkshopLund (Lunarc)CodeRefinery Workshop
C3SE Introductory Seminar May 16 201816 May 201816 May 2018SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Reproducible Research in R (Uppsala, May 2018)24 May 201824 May 2018WorkshopUppsala (UPPMAX)Advanced Topics in R: Reproducible Research
OpenMP (Lunarc, May 2018)29 May 201830 May 2018CourseLundAn introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP
Uppmax Intro Course (August 2018)27 August 201830 August 2018CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, August 2018)31 August 201831 August 2018CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
SNIC Science Cloud Workshop, Mittuniversitetet, Sundswall (2018-08-31)31 August 201831 August 2018WorkshopMittuniversitetet, SundswallSNIC Science Cloud Workshop
Introduction to HPC2N (September 2018)17 September 201817 September 2018CourseHPC2N, UmeåIntroduction course for (new) users of HPC2N's systems
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, September 201818 September 201818 September 2018SeminarLund (Lunarc)An introduction to UNIX/LINUX
C3SE Introductory Seminar September 19 201819 September 201819 September 2018SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Transfering data (Lund, Oct 2018)2 October 20182 October 2018SeminarLund (LUNARC)Transfering data to and from an HPC system
Introduction to PDC (Oct 2018)4 October 20184 October 2018CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
Cluster architecture and job submission (Lunarc, October 2018)9 October 20189 October 2018SeminarLund (LUNARC)Cluster architecture and job submission
Software Carpentry Workshop in R, Umeå (October 2018)9 October 201810 October 2018CourseHPC2N, UmeåSoftware Carpentry Workshop in R
C3SE Introductory Seminar October 17 201817 October 201817 October 2018SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Hierarchical modules and software selection (Lund, October 2018)23 October 201823 October 2018SeminarLund (LUNARC)Hierarchical modules and software selection
Matlab HPC training (Linköping, Oct 2018)24 October 201825 October 2018CourseLinköping (NSC)Matlab HPC training
HPC Tools for the Modern Era (PDC, October 2018)25 October 201826 October 2018WorkshopRoom Fantum, KTH, StockholmHPC Tools for the Modern Era
Using Matlab in an HPC environment (Lunarc, November 2018)7 November 20187 November 2018SeminarLund (LUNARC)Using Matlab in an HPC environment
Research data for open science (Lund, November 2018)13 November 201813 November 2018SeminarLund (LUNARC)Making your research data fit for a future of open science and open data
C3SE Introductory Seminar November 20 201820 November 201820 November 2018SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
MPI (Lund November 2018)21 November 201823 November 2018CourseLund (LUNARC)An introduction to parallel programming using MPI
Introduction to Deep Learning, Umeå (22-23 November 2018)22 November 201823 November 2018CourseHPC2N, UmeåIntroduction to Deep Learning
Scientific Visualisation (Uppsala, Nov 2018)26 November 201830 November 2018WorkshopUppsala (UPPMAX)Scientific Visualisation Workshop
How to work effectively on Tetralith / Sigma (Linköping Nov 2018)28 November 201828 November 2018CourseLinköping (NSC)How to work effectively on Tetralith
How to work effectively on Tetralith (Stockholm Dec 2018)5 December 20185 December 2018CourseStockholm UniversityHow to work effectively on Tetralith

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2017

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Uppmax Intro Course (January 2017)9 January 201713 January 2017CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, January 2017)13 January 201713 January 2017CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
Deep Dive Code Analysis and Optimization (Stockholm, February 2017)7 February 20177 February 2017CourseStockholmAllinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop
Deep Dive Code Analysis and Optimization (Linkoeping, February 2017)8 February 20178 February 2017CourseLinköpingAllinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop
Deep Dive Code Analysis and Optimization (Lund, February 2017)9 February 20179 February 2017CourseLundAllinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop
Introduction to PDC (Feb 2017)14 February 201714 February 2017CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
C3SE Introductory Seminar February 14 201714 February 201714 February 2017SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
CodeRefinery Workshop on Sustainable Scientific Software Development (February 2017)20 February 201722 February 2017CourseStockholm (PDC)Teaching researchers in sustainable software development
Introduction to HPC2N and Kebnekaise (February 2017)21 February 201721 February 2017CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Introduction to HPC2N and Kebnekaise
Performance Tools Course at HPC2N (14 March 2017)14 March 201714 March 2017CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Performance Tools (Paraver, Extrae, Scalasca) Course
Schrödinger Molecular Modelling Workshop at HPC2N (29 March 2017)29 March 201729 March 2017CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Schrödinger Molecular Modelling / Drug Discovery Workshop
Electronic Structure Workshop (Linköping, March 2017)29 March 201729 March 2017WorkshopLinköping (NSC)Electronic Structure / Seminars and discussion sessions
C3SE Introductory Seminar April 19 201719 April 201719 April 2017SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
MD/CHARMM course at HPC2N (4 May 2017)4 May 20174 May 2017CourseUmeåComputational Chemistry - MD/CHARMM course in Umeå
Cluster architecture and job submission (Lunarc, May 2017)11 May 201711 May 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Cluster architecture and job submission
C3SE Introductory Seminar May 17 201717 May 201717 May 2017SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Using Matlab in an HPC environment (Lunarc, 2017)18 May 201718 May 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Using Matlab in an HPC environment
CodeRefinery Scientific Programming Gettogether (May 2017)19 May 201719 May 2017CourseStockholm (PDC)Building a Nordic community of research software developers
Uppmax Intro Course (August 2017)21 August 201724 August 2017CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, August 2017)25 August 201725 August 2017CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
Introduction to HPC2N (September 2017)12 September 201712 September 2017CourseUmeåIntroduction to HPC2N
C3SE Introductory Seminar September 20 201720 September 201720 September 2017SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Introduction to PDC (Oct 2017)5 October 20175 October 2017CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
SSC training workshop, HPC2N, 10 October 201710 October 201710 October 2017WorkshopUmeåSNIC Cloud Computing Workshop
Version Control Workshop, HPC2N16 October 201716 October 2017CourseUmeåVersion Control Workshop
An introduction to UNIX/LINUX, October 201717 October 201717 October 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)An introduction to UNIX/LINUX
C3SE Introductory Seminar October 18 201718 October 201718 October 2017SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
MPI (Lunarc October 2017)24 October 201726 October 2017CourseLund (Lunarc)An introduction to parallel programming using MPI
NSC introduction day (Linköping, October 2017)25 October 201725 October 2017CourseLinköping (NSC)Introduction to using NSC resources
Cluster architecture and job submission (Lunarc, October 2017)31 October 201731 October 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Cluster architecture and job submission
Using Matlab in an HPC environment (Lunarc, October 2017)7 November 20177 November 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Using Matlab in an HPC environment
CodeRefinery Workshop on Sustainable Scientific Software Development (November 2017)7 November 20179 November 2017CourseLinköpingTeaching researchers in sustainable software development
Schrödinger materials science suite workshop (Linköping, November 2017)16 November 201716 November 2017WorkshopLinköping (NSC)Workshop on using the Schrödinger materials science suite with Quantum Espresso
Computational Chemistry Course - MD Simulations, HPC2N, 20 November 201720 November 201720 November 2017CourseUmeåCourse: Computational Chemistry - MD Simulations (NAMD)
C3SE Introductory Seminar November 21 201721 November 201721 November 2017SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Commercial engineering software (Lund, Nov 2017)21 November 201721 November 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Using commercial engineering software in an HPC environment
Transfering data (Lund, Nov 2017)28 November 201728 November 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Transfering data to and from an HPC system
Hierarchical modules and software selection (Lund, December 2017)5 December 20175 December 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)Hierarchical modules and software selection
MPI (PDC December 2017)11 December 201713 December 2017CourseStockholmWriting parallel applications using MPI
The Effective Use of the Kebnekaise Accelerators (HPC2N, December 2017)12 December 201712 December 2017CourseUmeå, HPC2NThe Effective Use of the Kebnekaise Accelerators
LUNARC HPC Desktop (Lund, December 2017)19 December 201719 December 2017SeminarLund (Lunarc)An introduction to the LUNARC HPC Desktop

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2016

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Uppmax Intro Course (January 2016)11 January 201617 January 2016CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Scientific Visualisation Workshop(UPPMAX, January 2016)12 January 201612 January 2016WorkshopUppsalaScientific Visualisation Workshop 2014
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, January 2016)18 January 201618 January 2016CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop (PDC January 2016)25 January 201625 January 2016CourseStockholmAllinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop (HPC2N January 2016)27 January 201627 January 2016CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Learn to use Allinea’s highly scalable and easy-to-use HPC development tools
Allinea Performance and Debugging Tools Workshop (C3SE January 2016)28 January 201628 January 2016CourseGöteborgLearn to use Allinea’s highly scalable and easy-to-use HPC development tools
Introduction to PDC (February 2016)10 February 201610 February 2016CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
OpenMP (Lunarc, March 2016)15 March 201616 March 2016CourseLundAn introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP
Data management seminar (UPPMAX, March 2016)18 March 201618 March 2016CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Data management
Applied Cloud Computing Workshop (March 2016)30 March 201630 March 2016CourseSolna (SciLifeLab)Introduction to using SNIC Cloud resources
C3SE Introductory Seminar April 13 201613 April 201613 April 2016SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Utilising a modern HPC environment (Lunarc, May 2016)18 May 201618 May 2016SeminarLund (Lunarc)Utilising a modern HPC environment
Intel development / HPC tools (HPC2N, May 2016)18 May 201619 May 2016CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Intel development / HPC tools
C3SE Introductory Seminar May 18 201618 May 201618 May 2016SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Matlab in an HPC environment (Lunarc May 2016)18 May 201618 May 2016SeminarLund (Lunarc)Efficient use of Matlab in an HPC environment
Unix for new users of HPC (Lunarc May 2016)18 May 201618 May 2016SeminarLund (Lunarc)Introduction to Unix for new users of HPC
SNIC Science Cloud Computing Workshop (May 2016)31 May 201631 May 2016CourseStockholmIntroduction seminar and workshop to SNIC Cloud resources
MD Course at HPC2N, Umeå, June 201620 June 201620 June 2016CourseUmeåComputational Chemistry - MD Simulations in Umeå
Awk workshop (UPPMAX, August 2016)22 August 201622 August 2016CourseUppsalaIntroduction to awk and sed
Uppmax Intro Course (August 2016)23 August 201626 August 2016CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Introduction to PDC (Sept 2016)13 September 201613 September 2016CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
Parallel Programming with Open Standards (Sept 2016)19 September 201619 September 2016CourseStockholmParallel Programming seminar provided by PDC, PGI and NVIDIA
Matlab (Lunarc, October '16)5 October 20165 October 2016WorkshopLundParallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters
Matlab (C3SE, October '16)6 October 20166 October 2016WorkshopGöteborgParallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters
Matlab (Uppmax, October '16)7 October 20167 October 2016WorkshopUppsalaParallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters
Matlab (LiU, October '16)7 October 20167 October 2016SeminarLinköpingMATLAB Programming Techniques
Matlab (HPC2N, October '16)10 October 201610 October 2016WorkshopUmeåParallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters
Matlab (PDC, October '16)13 October 201613 October 2016WorkshopStockholmParallel Computing in MATLAB and Scaling to SNIC HPC Clusters
Code Optimisation and Performance Tuning for Xeon Processors (October 2016)31 October 20162 November 2016CourseStockholm (PDC)Advanced Programming techniques for performance improvement of numerical simulation codes
Introduction to HPC2N and Kebnekaise (November 2016)8 November 20168 November 2016CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Introduction to HPC2N and Kebnekaise
MPI (Lunarc November 2016)8 November 201610 November 2016CourseLund (Lunarc)An introduction to parallel programming using MPI
Intel Compiler (Lunarc November 2016)24 November 201625 November 2016CourseLund (Lunarc)Using the Intel® compiler and performance tools
SNIC Science Cloud Workshop (C3SE November 2016)25 November 201625 November 2016WorkshopGöteborg (C3SE)SNIC Science Cloud Workshop
Linux For Beginners (C3SE November 2016)29 November 201629 November 2016CourseGöteborg (C3SE)SNIC Science Cloud Workshop
Scientific Visualisation Workshop(UPPMAX, November 2016)30 November 201630 November 2016WorkshopUppsalaScientific Visualisation Workshop Autumn 2016
Introduction to OpenMP and MPI (HPC2N, December 2016)12 December 201612 December 2016CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in 2015

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
VASP best practices (NSC-UPPMAX January 2015)15 January 201515 January 2015SeminarUppsalaSeminar on running VASP efficiently at Triolith and Beskow (the new Cray XC-40 at PDC)
Uppmax Intro Course (January 2015)26 January 201529 January 2015CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
XC-40 Architecture (PDC February 2015)3 February 20156 February 2015CourseStockholmUsing Cray XC-40 Machines
VASP best practices (LiU February 2015)6 February 20156 February 2015SeminarLinköpingSeminar on running VASP efficiently at Triolith and Beskow (the new Cray XC-40 at PDC)
C3SE Introductory Seminar February 10 201510 February 201510 February 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
C3SE Linux for Beginners Seminar February 24 201524 February 201524 February 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for all users at C3SE, covering fundamental Linux skills
C3SE Environment Seminar March 12 201512 March 201512 March 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for all users at C3SE, describing the C3SE hardware and software environment.
C3SE Introductory Seminar March 25 201525 March 201525 March 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
C3SE Scheduling Seminar April 1 20151 April 20151 April 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for all users at C3SE, covering the queuing system used at our systems.
C3SE Software Development Seminar April 14 201514 April 201514 April 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for all users at C3SE, covering software debugging on C3SE systems.
Introduction to Linux and Abisko (HPC2N, April 22)22 April 201522 April 2015CourseUmeåIntroduction to Linux and Abisko
Introduction to Distributed Memory Programming and MPI (HPC2N, April 23, 2015)23 April 201523 April 2015CourseUmeåIntroduction to Distributed Memory Programming and MPI
C3SE Debugging Seminar April 29 201529 April 201529 April 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for all users at C3SE, covering software debugging on C3SE systems.
C3SE Introductory Seminar May 20 201520 May 201520 May 2015SeminarGöteborgSeminar for new users at C3SE, describing how to use our systems
Introduction to GPU programming with CUDA (PDC, May 2015)21 May 201522 May 2015CoursePDCIntroduction to GPU programming with CUDA
Introduction to HPC (Lunarc May 2015)21 May 201521 May 2015CourseLundIntroduction course for new users of high performance computing
Introduction to Linux and Abisko (HPC2N, May 27)27 May 201527 May 2015CourseUmeåIntroduction to Linux and Abisko
Introduction to Shared Memory Programming and OpenMP (HPC2N, May 28, 2015)28 May 201528 May 2015CourseUmeåIntroduction to Shared Memory Programming and OpenMP
An introduction to solving partial differential equations in Python with FEniCS (Lunarc June 2015)9 June 201510 June 2015CourseLundSolving partial differential equations in Python with FEniCS
Uppmax Intro Course (August 2015)24 August 201527 August 2015CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Introduction to PDC (September 2015)17 September 201517 September 2015CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
Running parallel jobs in Matlab (Lunarc Sept 2015)30 September 201530 September 2015CourseLund (Lunarc)Solving large problems efficiently through parallel computing in Matlab
Using the DDT debugger (Lunarc, October 2015)1 October 20151 October 2015CourseLund (Lunarc)Speeding up code modernisation and bug resolution with Allinea DDT
Applied Cloud Computing Workshop (UPPMAX, October 2015)13 October 201513 October 2015CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to using SNIC Cloud resources
Introduction to HPC (HPC2N, October 2015)19 October 201521 October 2015CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Introduction to HPC at HPC2N
Uppmax Intro Course (October 2015)19 October 201522 October 2015CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
To awk or not (UPPMAX, October 2015)23 October 201523 October 2015CourseUppsala (UPPMAX)Introduction to awk and sed
MPI (Lunarc October 2015)28 October 201530 October 2015CourseLund (Lunarc)An introduction to parallel programming using MPI
Advanced GPU Programming (November 2015)5 November 20156 November 2015CourseStockholm (PDC)Advanced Programming techniques for scientific computing using GPU
Intel Cluster Studio/HPC Training (HPC2N, November 2015)17 November 201518 November 2015CourseUmeå (HPC2N)Intel Cluster Studio/HPC Training at HPC2N
Introduction to Programming the Xeon Phi Processor (November 2015)24 November 201524 November 2015CourseStockholm (PDC)Introduction to Intel's Xeon Phi processor for scientific computing
Introduction to HPC (Lunarc November 2015)26 November 201526 November 2015CourseLund (Lunarc)Introduction course for new users of high performance computing
Code Optimisation and Performance Tuning (November 2015)26 November 201527 November 2015CourseStockholm (PDC)Advanced Programming techniques for performance improvement of numerical simulation codes
MPI (PDC December 2015)8 December 201510 December 2015CourseStockholmWriting parallel applications using MPI

Training events offered or supported by SNIC in or before 2014

 Start dateEnd dateEvent typeLocationDescription
Shared memory programming with OpenMP (NSC May 2013)27 May 201329 May 2013CourseLinköpingShared memory parallel programming using OpenMP
MATLAB using SNIC clusters (Lunarc May 2014)6 May 20146 May 2014SeminarLundSpeeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters
Introduction to HPC (Lunarc May 2014)23 May 201423 May 2014CourseLundIntroduction course for new users of high performance computing
MATLAB using SNIC clusters (C3SE June 2014)5 June 20145 June 2014SeminarGöteborgSpeeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters
Uppmax Intro Course25 August 201428 August 2014CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
Introduction to PDC (September 2014)16 September 201416 September 2014CourseStockholmIntroduction to PDC
DDT (PDC September 2014)25 September 201425 September 2014CourseStockholmDebugging applications using DDT
MATLAB using SNIC clusters (UPPMAX September 2014)26 September 201426 September 2014SeminarUppsalaSpeeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters
MATLAB using SNIC clusters (HPC2N September 2014)30 September 201430 September 2014SeminarUmeåSpeeding up MATLAB Computations using SNIC Clusters
Introduction to HPC (Lunarc October 2014)2 October 20142 October 2014CourseLundIntroduction course for new users of high performance computing
Uppmax Intro Course (October 2014)20 October 201424 October 2014CourseUppsalaIntroduction course for new users of Uppmax systems
MPI (Lunarc October 2014)29 October 201431 October 2014CourseLundAn introduction to parallel programming using MPI
MPI (PDC November 2014)25 November 201427 November 2014CourseStockholmWriting parallel applications using MPI
Scientific Visualisation Workshop(UPPMAX, November 2014)27 November 201428 November 2014WorkshopUppsalaScientific Visualisation Workshop 2014
OpenMP (Lunarc, December 2014)3 December 20145 December 2014CourseLundAn introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP

Current training offers are listed on the training page.