Revision as of 18:40, 9 September 2011 by Joel Hedlund (NSC) (talk | contribs)
TAU Performance System is a portable profiling and tracing tool-kit for performance analysis of parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, Java, Python.
These experts have registered specific competence on this subject:
Field | AE FTE | General activities | ||
Chandan Basu (NSC) | NSC | Computational science | 100 | Working on climate and weather codes EU projects IS-ENES and PRACE. |
Resource | Centre | Description |
Lindgren | PDC | Cray XE6 capability cluster with 305 TFLOPS peak performance |
Triolith | NSC | Capability cluster with 338 TFLOPS peak and 1:2 Infiniband fat-tree |
License: Free.