Building interpinic tool for interpolation of land initial conditions for the CESM1.1 model
The interpinic tool is designed to horizontally interpolate land initial conditions for the CESM1.1 model. The code can be found in the /models/lnd/clm/tools/interpinic/ folder of the CESM1.1 distribution. 'Out-of-the-box' compiling of this code on triolith unfortunately does not work and so a work-around has been developed by Qiong Zhang from INK, Stockholms Universitet.
Step 1
Replace line 251 of the Makefile.common with:
LDFLAGS += -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -lnetcdf_c++4
Step 2
Proceed to compile the code:
export LIB_NETCDF=/software/apps/netcdf/4.2/i1214-hdf5-1.8.9/lib
export INC_NETCDF=/software/apps/netcdf/4.2/i1214-hdf5-1.8.9/include
USER_FC=ifort USER_CC=icc gmake interpinic
At which point you will get a compile error - but do not worry. Finish the compile with:
ifort -ftz -g -fp-model precise -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -traceback -FR -O2 -c -I/software/apps/netcdf/4.2/i1214-hdf5-1.8.9/include -DOPT -DLINUX -DFORTRANUNDERSCORE -I. -I. -I/software/apps/netcdf/4.2/i1214-hdf5-1.8.9/include -I/software/apps/netcdf/4.2/i1214-hdf5-1.8.9/lib fmain.F90
ifort -o interpinic fmain.o interpinic.o shr_kind_mod.o shr_sys_mod.o shr_const_mod.o shr_log_mod.o -L/software/apps/netcdf/4.2/i1214-hdf5-1.8.9/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -m64
Hopefully this completes the build of initerpinic