Building MOM (Modular Ocean Model) on the PDC Beskow system
This page describes the compiling of the NOAA/GFLD MOM (modular ocean model) version 5.0.2 (MOM home) on PDC's Beskow system (beskow). Version 5 of MOM is an open source project released under the GPL license.
1. Ensure the correct intel compile module and wrappers are loaded using:
module swap PrgEnv-cray/5.2.82 PrgEnv-intel/5.2.82
2. Download source code to an appropriate folder (e.g. /home/${USER}/)
git clone; cd mom; git checkout 5.0.2
3. Copy the Beskow specific config files and to the bin folder
cp /cfs/nobackup/x/xhamst/Public/mom/ /home/${USER}/mom/bin
cp /cfs/nobackup/x/xhamst/Public/mom/ /home/${USER}/mom/bin
4. Run the compile script using the platform flag (example below is for the CM2M version of the model):
cd /home/${USER}/mom/exp
./MOM_compile.csh --platform --type CM2M
5. Go and have a coffee, the compile takes quite some time.
6. Check in the folder /home/${USER}/mom/exec. If the build is successful there should be a folder which contains a CM2M folder with your executable.