Application Experts
Revision as of 12:10, 3 May 2011 by Joachim Hein (LUNARC) (talk | contribs)
Torben Rasmussen, NSC
Chandan Basu, NSC
Johan Raber, NSC
Joel Hedlund, NSC
Joachim Hein, Lunarc & EPCC
- Parallel expert
- Working at Lunarc, Lund University, since 2010
- Working at EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, since 2002
- Doctorate in theoretical Physics (Lattice quantum field theory), Hamburg University, Germany, 1996
- Areas of expertise include:
- Message Passing with MPI
- Shared memory programming with OpenMP
- Code optimisation in C and Fortran
- Application areas and applications worked on include: Lattice quantum field theory, Biomolecular systems (Applications: NAMD, Gromacs), Computational plasma physics (Applications: Centori, GS2, GEM), Computational chemistry (Applications: Siesta, Castep, CP2K, GPAW), Computational fluid dynamics (Application: EBL3, OpenFOAM)
- HPC training (general HPC, MPI, OpenMP)
Jonathan Vincent, PDC
[[image:|frame|left|Jonathan Vincent]] |
Rossen Apostolov, PDC
Lilit Axner, PDC/KTH
Daniel Spångberg, UPPMAX
Mattias Slabanja, C3SE
File:Ms.jpg Mattias Slabanja |