Data Management Seminar Online

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Name Data Management Seminar Online
Description Data management seminar recording

A half-day seminar aimed at any UPPMAX or SNIC user who deals with large data volumes — many files, or large files, or both. The seminar focuses both on practical aspects and general best practices, e.g. how to use rsync to move files, where to place data, etc.

The seminar is split into three parts. Each part has a set of slides and a video.

UPPMAX file systems (50 min, Douglas Scofield) Disk, file system, and file overview
High-performance storage, and when it isn't
Storage at UPPMAX: Backup, nobackup, private, glob, scratch
Practical knowledge (50 min, Martin Dahlö) Moving files to and from UPPMAX
Moving files between projects
Moving files within a project
Compressing files
Web export
Project data management (50 min, Niclas Jareborg) A quick guide to organising computational biology projects
Data management life cycle — planning to archiving with Open Access principles
Sensitive data