CESM & NorESM users on Triolith: changing to the new centre storage (/proj/) system

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The new centre storage system at NSC became operational in October 2014 (NSC Centre Storage). Because the storage environment was changed from a 'user' based systen (/nobackup/global/${USER}) to a 'project' based system (/proj/project_name), this requires a change in the way the CESM and NorESM models are configured on Triolith.


Existing Cases

1. Change the EXEROOT variable in the 'env_build.xml' file from:


to e.g.


where <project-name> is an appropriate project directory name (that you have permission to write to), e.g. 'bolinc'.

2. Change the RUNDIR variable in the 'env_run.xml' file from:

NorESM (& CCSM4)

1. Existing Cases

i. Change the EXEROOT variable in the 'env_build.xml' file from:


to e.g.


where <project-name> is an appropriate project directory name (that you have permission to write to), e.g. 'bolinc'.

ii. Change the DOUT_S_ROOT variable in the 'env_run.xml' file from:


to e.g.


where <project-name> is an appropriate project directory name (that you have permission to write to), e.g. 'bolinc'.

iii. Clean case and reconfigure:

./configure -cleanall
./configure -case

iv. Clean then rebuild the model:


2. New Cases, Existing Code

i. Copy new config. files.

cp /proj/cesm_input-data/NorESM/triolith_config_NorESM/create_newcase <NorESM-base-dir>/scripts
cp /proj/cesm_input-data/NorESM/triolith_config_NorESM/config_definition.xml <NorESM-base-dir>/scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template
cp /proj/cesm_input-data/NorESM/triolith_config_NorESM/config_machines.xml <NorESM-base-dir>/scripts/ccsm/Machines

ii. Create new case. Note: when using the 'create_newcase' script, you have to add an additional variable 'ccsm_out'. This defines the folder where the model is compiled and where output is written, and must correspond to an appropriate Triolith project storage area (e.g. /proj/bolinc/users/x_abcde/NorESM). e.g.

<NorESM-base-dir>/scripts/create_newcase -case ../cases/triolithTest -mach triolith -res f19_g16 -compset N2000AERL -pecount S -ccsm_out /proj/bolinc/users/${USER}/NorESM